Study association NODE

NODE is the study association linked to the master programme Geographical Information Management and Applications, and was founded in the summer of 2015. Node has as goal to strengthen the ties between the students, alumni and the professional GI-world outside GIMA. This is nice and necessary because of the dispersed nature of GIMA (namely, the blended learning structure and the four corresponding universities). Node organizes several informal and formal activities in the course of the study year. Informal activities are organized for GIMA students to have fun and get to know each other. Examples are pub quizzes or sport events during the contact weeks. Formal activities bring the students in contact with the professional world after GIMA. This includes the yearly GIMA day, consisting of a symposium and company fair: An opportune moment for students to expand their networks, find internships and gain new insight from GI-professionals. NODE is governed by five enthusiastic second year GIMA students (the NODE board) who are always eager to answer questions of potential students about studying GIMA. If you would like to contact NODE, or take a look at our GIMA LinkedIn Group and/or our GIMA Facebook group, please go to:

NODE websiteGIMADay2017

NODE LinkedIn page

NODE Facebook page

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