Module 4

Introduction to Geo-information Project Management

The course emphasizes on (GI-) project management. However, not the geo-information itself is being assessed, but rather the organizational set-up in project-like environments. The course relates to Module 3, although in this case geo-information is project based, and not embedded in an organization. The course assesses the academic approach of project management.


  • Characteristics and organisational context of (GI related) projects
  • Scientific context of project management – Project management methodologies
  • Tools and techniques supporting the management of a project
  • Management models, roles and skills
  • Staffing and return of investment of GI related projects
  • Development, presentation and evaluation of GI related project proposals
  • Academic writing

Course objectives

The student will be able to:

  • Describe and position projects and project management within an organisational and a scientific setting
  • Acquire and apply key project management knowledge and skills necessary to initiate, plan, control and direct a GI related project
  • Identify, specify, organize and evaluate key project management aspects and elements contributing to a valid GI related project proposal based on prior given requirements and constraints
  • Demonstrate his/her ability to write an academic paper within the project management domain according to prescribed writing guidelines


The course is split in the following three parts:

Contact period Enschede:

  • Introduction to project management; organisational context; scientific context; project management methodologies; supporting tools and techniques (workshop); management models, roles and skills; staffing and return on investment; academic writing

Distance period:

  • Writing of an academic paper on project management topic (in groups of two, with distant supervision)
  • Case study on developing a comprehensive proposal for a GI related project (group work and individual tasks with distant supervision)

Contact period Utrecht:

  • Feedback and assessment of distant tasks
  • Peer review and presentation of project proposals
  • Examination based on a compulsory list of literature and lecture notes

Type of education

M4 focus on Project Management

M4 focus on Project Management

  • Lectures
  • Distance learning
  • Academic reviewing
  • Literature research
  • Individual assignments
  • Case study
  • Supervisor discussions
  • Presentation
  • Evaluation


  • Individual exam (written, closed book) based on a compulsory list of literature and lecture notes
  • Assignment in groups of two on writing an academic paper
  • Group assignment on writing an initial project plan
  • Group assignment on writing a final project proposal incl. process report
  • Individual assignment on reviewing literature within a given project management knowledge area incl. peer review
  • Group assignment on presentation and peer review of final project proposals


Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel, Jr., Scott M. Shafer, Margaret M. Sutton. Wiley E-Text. Project Management in Practice, 5th Edition, 336 pages.
ISBN : 978-1-118-80054-6
October 2013, ©2014

Entry requirements

Letter of acceptance of the master programme Geographical Information Management and Applications.

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